Optimise the administrator’s work

All reservations are automatically sent to the Ordish App. The administrator gets to spend less time on phone calls and manual recording while the automatic system decreases the likelihood of mistakes.

Customer data and history

You will have the entire history of guests’ reservations, including the phone number and email for each. You will be able to send them reminders, invite them to the venue, and use special offers.

Increase occupancy of your venue by 20%

Place the link to the booking widget on your social media, test ads for table reservations, promptly respond to guest requests, and set reminders.

Customise the booking page to suit your brand style

The widget is as easy to edit as any Ordish product. You choose the fonts, colours, and images. Everything looks modern and works comfortably from any device.

Guests are always notified about the reservation status

After booking, the administrator confirms the date and time. The guest receives a message about a successful reservation via email or SMS. To choose another time, the administrator can call the client and discuss their options.

Improve the effectiveness of booking advertising

Unlike a regular site, the booking widget works as a separate page. You can immediately drive traffic to this page from targeted advertising. The conversion rate is higher, advertising costs are lower, and the institution gains a larger profit margin.

Try Ordish’s delivery website and takeaway system for 30 days for free. And you’ll see how convenient and effective it’s for your business

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